The Grapevine

Wine Shop Marketing: Appealing to the Wine Enthusiast

August 20th, 2014

As we’ve been diving deeper into the Constellation Brands Project Genome research data, we identified the two market segments that account for nearly half of all wine purchases: the Enthusiast and the Image Seeker. Today, we’ll look at the Enthusiast. [level-members]

The Enthusiast accounts for a quarter of the wine sold in the US. They consider themselves both passionate and knowledgeable. They enjoy wine both at home and when dining out, where they typically buy by the bottle.

Constellation Wines Project Genome

Importantly, they are interested in both wines they know and know to be high-quality/good value and interesting wines that they might not be able to get elsewhere.

Appealing to these customers is a two-part affair: First, you myst stock the tried-and-true bottles in a range of prices from the well-known and respected regions of the wine world: Bordeaux, Burgundy, Napa, and so on.

You must also have wines from lesser known regions and wines from the more widely recognized regions that you’ve identified as interesting and worthwhile values.

Finally, since Enthusiasts are frequently interested in both “everyday” wines and wines for weekends and special occasions, you should be sure to have the range of stock that will appeal to their love of all things wine. Most of your audience won’t open a Super Tuscan for Friday night pizza. A $12 chianti may be the more common choice.
