The Grapevine

Wine Shop Business Tips: Don’t Do Too Much

November 11th, 2014

There’s the temptation as a small business owner to do it all yourself: it’s fast, easier than explaining yourself, and anyway, who’s going to do the job better than you? [level-members]

No-one is going to do the job better than you – until you don’t do the job at all. No, you’re not likely to do the impossible and quit your own job, but you may very well call it quits on certain parts of the business. It’s called burnout and it’s a very real problem, particularly at times when things might not be going well.

And it’s during rocky times that keeping your standards high are most important. So be sure to delegate and, importantly, train staff on all aspects of your shop’s operation. Doing so becomes a win-win-win:

  • You avoid burnout
  • You build a contingency plan in case of emergency
  • Your employees are more engaged and better able to contribute to the business

Don’t let burnout sneak up on you. Be vigilant on training and paying others to focus on the details that keep you from focusing on the big picture: great customer experience, high profitability and predictable expenses.
