The Grapevine

Trends in Retail for Wine Shop Owners

March 10th, 2015

You may have noticed that for large, corporate retailers – the big box stores, for example, retail is more and more about experience and entertainment. Here are a few trends you might keep an eye on and consider adopting as they become more accessible to Main Street businesses. [level-members]

Searchable Shop
Just like shopping websites can be searched, “brick and mortar” retail stores will soon be searchable via mobile device. This may be an add-on to your website or a stand-alone app. This is a tough one, as the personal, one-to-one contact is, for many of us, what defines us as a worthwhile stop for wine shoppers.

Online Buying
This isn’t ecommerce, necessarily. This is using a website or app to make a purchase that is then fulfilled locally – whether it is delivered to the consumer’s home or picked up in-store. There are great possibilities here, though, it’s really just a new tool for an old trick. As in, pick up the phone and ask the shop to deliver a pizza. Or a case of your favorite Chianti …

Store Mapping
Help your customers get familiar with your shop before they ever step in. Where will they find the wines they love? What will they find in this corner or that aisle? Another enhancement to the shopping experience.

And More
There are also more tech tools focused on things we already do well – new product zones, product-focused store displays, in-store events, and so on.
