The Grapevine

Beer Country for Wine Lovers – And Worse

July 23rd, 2015

Beer country is no wine lover’s idea of a great vacation spot, but if you think you’ve got it bad, read on. [level-members]

First, from the folks in San Antonio – who I think should know from beer country, we have an article about the blossoming wine biz a few hours outside of Denver. And there’s plenty to do even if your spouse or traveling companion isn’t a wine lover. The area is also known for its peaches, lavender and alpacas.

You can read the full article here.

Even if you do find yourself stuck in beer country as a wine lover, count your lucky stars. You could have it as bad as these folks, who are trying to raise a wine grape crop in a war zone. The full article is here. (Something tells me your usual distributors aren’t gone to have this available, even as a special order.)
