The Grapevine

Wine Industry News for Feb 8, 2016

February 8th, 2016

Don’t be a boar in Tuscany, Sommeliers hate your smartphone even more than everyone else, consumers love buying right from the source, and what’s going on with Greek wines. [level-members]

Deer and Boar, Oh My
That’s not a typo in our opener. Winemakers in Tuscany are backing a plan to cull the herds of both wild deer and wild boar in the region, claiming that the damage they do to vineyards is detrimental to business. Read the full article here.

Yes, your Smartphone is Obnoxious at the Table
Sommeliers certainly aren’t alone in hating the ubiquity of smartphones at dining tables (both at home and in restaurants), but they have even more reason to find them offensive. It seems that many diners are now waving wine stewards off, saying that one app or another on their phones has given them the guidance they need. Read the Chicago Tribune article here.

Growth in Direct-to-Consumer Wine Sales
It ain’t going away. In fact, DtC wine sales seem to be picking up steam. In fact, growth outpaces retail sales growth by about 4 to 1. If you’re in one of the 5 states where more than half the DtC wine landed – CA, TX, NY, FL, and IL – you’ll want to be paying extra attention. Cabs were the most commonly shipped wines, though there was variation from state to state. Read the Wines & Vines article.

What’s Going on in Greece?
Finally, we have Decanter’s look at changes underway in Greece, where growing acceptance abroad has spurred more winemakers to take action to improve both the quality of their wines and their wines’ reputation. Read more on the Decanter site.
