Here are this week’s articles you might want to share with your wine shop audience, including an article that just might double your sales. (OK, maybe not …) [level-members]
First, from Punch, we have a collection of reads “on drinks and drinking” that might make for good poolside entertainment. Or the beach if you’ve got wifi or a cellular connection for your tablet.
Then, for those who just can’t get enough of everyone’s favorite summer quaff – rosé – there’s this guide to roseé for “beginners, experts and weirdos” from the LA Times.
Finally, the sales doubler. From Drinks Business, we have this article about couples who drink together being happier than couples who don’t. If nothing else, that seems like an invitation to get your customers to encourage their spouses to join them …
Enjoy, even if you’re drinking alone. [/level-members]