Lots of interesting stories for you to share with your wine shop customers this week. Including two that hit our radar at the same time and which go together like peanut butter and jelly. [level-members]
Or, more appropriately, like Pinot Noir and grilled pork tenderloin.
Esquire offers us this article on how to order wine on a first date without looking like an idiot. (They use saltier language.) And Metro, out of the UK, let’s us know that when we’re ordering wine in an un-idiotic fashion, that wine should be Pinot, because Pinot Noir makes us more attractive.
Wine Enthusiast tells us about the unsung heros of the wine world – the industry’s equivalent to the incredibly talented seession musicians who aren’t household names but whose brilliance we’ve all heard on hit records.
Wine Enthusiast also tells us why we should be watching – and drinking – Australian Cabs. “Compelling competition for Napa and Bordeaux?” Got my attention.
The GuildSomm website tells us about the wines of Santa Barbara county. And Wines & Vines holds forth on whether terrior can be described with scientific rigor. [/level-members]