The Grapevine

Wine Shop Marketing: Helping Clients Start a Wine Cellar

November 1st, 2017

If you have wine shop customers who are just on the cusp of the move from enthusiastic to enthusiast, you may want to offer them a plan for building a wine cellar over time. [level-members]

The specific recommendations in this Wine Spectator article aren’t necessarily appropriate for your shop or your audience but the overall concepts are certainly pretty universal.

As is the idea of tailoring your advice to the needs of individual customers.

I’m also a fan of helping clients build their cellars over time: eeach month or quarter they get a case of wine to put down (a case that includes bottles with different “optimal maturity windows”) and something similar that’s ready right now.

With the holidays coming up, now might be a good time to start planting the gift idea seed via social media and email marketing.
