The Grapevine

Retail Wine Industry News – Australian Glut, PA Privatization, Amazon & Wine Spectator

July 8th, 2013

This week’s news includes an update on Pennsylvania’s liquor authority privatization, a glut of australian grapes, and a deal for Amazon customers. [level-members]

Amazon & Wine Spectator
According to the email that landed in my inbox this week, Amazon is offering Wine Spectator for 50% off. Nothing unique there; many ways to get most magazines – including WS – at a discount. But it’s one more item in a long list of evidence that Amazon continues to be serious about the wine business.

PA Privatization
A June 30 deadline came and went without the privatization bill reaching the governor’s desk. Gridlock in the form of differing bills in the PA Senate vs. the PA House of Representatives has stalled the process. The governor vows to continue his push in favor of privatization.

Australia Grape Glut
Good news for consumers, potentially. Prices on Australian wines should fall. The crop this year is up about 10% from the previous year and about 6% up compared to the average crop of the past 6 years. Prices have also risen over that time period, though it seems unlikely that will continue given the increased production and drop in demand internationally. According to the Wine Australia trade group, exports to the US fell by more than 5% in dollar terms even as they rose by 8.5% in volume.
