Archive for March, 2015

Wine Shop Business Tips: Keep an Eye on The Competiti

March 31st, 2015

When I hear someone say something about never looking over their shoulder because they’re focused on what’s ahead of them, I always wonder what makes them think danger only lurks ahead, or that by ignoring everything but their own goals, they’re guaranteed to succeed. [level-members] Running a business isn’t track and field or some other […]

Powdered Alcohol Bans, Vineyard Environmentali

March 30th, 2015

Here’s wine industry news from the past week that may be useful in your content marketing. [level-members] Well, that didn’t take long. Oregon is set to join five other states in the US that have already banned the sale of powdered alcohol. I’m generally a “live and let live” kind of guy – there’s a […]

Food & Wine Pairings: Burgers and Zinfand

March 27th, 2015

Different strokes for different folks, and different wines for different burgers. Here’s a burger and wine pairing you’ll love. [level-members] Assuming, that is, that you love blue cheese. It’s not to everyone’s taste, of course, but we love building a burger around a small patty of blue cheese. As the burger cooks, the cheese melts […]

Fakes and Frauds in the Wine Wor

March 26th, 2015

If any of your clientele are focused on higher end, collectible wines, you may want to share this with them. [level-members] It’s an interesting article from on fraud in the collectible wine market. This doesn’t seem to be too widespread a problem, and the problem that does exist is mostly confined to very high priced […]

Crowdsourcing Your Wine Shop Marketi

March 25th, 2015

You’ve probably heard of crowdsourcing – sites like Kickstarter where individuals and companies seek funding for their ideas from the public at large. Is there a way you can apply this model to your wine shop marketing? [level-members] Well, you probably can’t get your customers – or the public at large to fund your marketing […]

Time Management Tips for Wine Shop Owne

March 24th, 2015

There’s never enough time in the day, is there? You can make the time crunch in your wine shop less difficult with the following time management tips. [level-members] Systematize Don’t try to tackle everything in your path and don’t try to run your daily business ad hoc. It may seems simple – it’s not a […]

Boxed Wine and Craft Beer Grow, Class-Action Suit: Arsenic in CA Wi

March 23rd, 2015

Some of California’s largest wine companies are in the crosshairs courtesy of a class-action lawsuit claiming that they sell wines with higher levels of arsenic than are allowed in drinking water.[level-members] According to Shanken News Daily, more than 80 labels were found to have unacceptably  high arsenic levels by a Denver testing lab. Brands include […]

Food & Wine Pairing: Riesling and Spri

March 20th, 2015

Spring is an increasingly odd time of year. In the Hudson Valley this morning, we’re waiting on 2-5 inches of snow on the same day we’re waiting for spring to, well, spring … Still, we’re thinking positive with these spring recipe ideas. [level-members] Tasty Catering of Chicago offers a number of lighter, luncheon-type entrees that […]

What Your Wine Shop Customers Are Reading: Wine Spectator 4/30/

March 19th, 2015

Things are askew with this issue of Wine Spectator – the front cover is sideways. Apparently that’s the only way to feature the Antinori Family – “aristocrats, vintners, and innovators.” [level-members] WS reports that the US is the world’s largest wine market, whether measured in volume or price. 339.6 million cases of wine were consumed in […]

Wine Shop Marketing: Starting from Ze

March 18th, 2015

Whether you have a new shop, new marketing challenges or just feel like you need to hit restart on your marketing, having a solid plan in place is important. [level-members] Beyond that plan, which when you’re first starting, can feel way to abstract to wrap your head around, it helps to have some concrete ideas […]