We know we sound like a broken record on some issues – the value of email marketing, how great the wines of the Loire Valley are, rosés … but let’s talk about rosés for the beach. [level-members] It’s kind of odd to make a (beach) blanket recommendation like this. After all, you can have a […]
Archive for May, 2015
Rosés for the Bea
May 29th, 2015A Wine Drinker’s Guide to Beer (And Vice Vers
May 28th, 2015If you like wine X, you’ll love beer Y … OK, so maybe that’s not true. But if you don’t prefer wine – or beer, for that matter – perhaps it’s because you haven’t tried the right wine or beer … [level-members] We’ve stumbled across this handy-dandy (and not entirely tongue-in-cheek) guide to picking the right beer […]
Wine Shop Marketing: Sell More Than Wi
May 27th, 2015Actually, don’t sell more than wine. Give the extras away. The wine will almost sell itself. Here’s why adding more value is the key to consistent sales. [level-members] Shopping has been transformed from a weekend chore that keeps people away from the things they’d really rather be doing into an “experience.” If you’ve been anywhere […]
Wine Shop Merchandising & Desi
May 26th, 2015We’ve been talking a fair amount about brand lately. It’s an important part of your business’ success and while you can’t (and don’t have to) invest the millions in branding that national retailers do, you can help your shop be a strong part of your brand. Here are a few merchandising tips to help. [level-members] […]
Sicilian Wines for a Sicilian Dinn
May 22nd, 2015I left a voice mail for a friend in Philadelphia only to have him respond that email was better for him right now as he was in Rome and on his way to Sicily. Lucky fellow. And lucky for you, that inspired me to find this bit of food & wine pairing magic. [level-members] Now, […]
That Last Glass of Wine IS Good for Y
May 21st, 2015That last glass of wine is good for you, at least if you’re having it as a night cap. Various health benefits of wine have been touted in recent years, but we’re now learning that [level-members] wine may help stave off the midnight munchies. Vinepair is reporting that wine as a night cap can help you […]
Wine Shop Marketing: Don’t Be S
May 20th, 2015If you think about truly iconic consumer brands, you really don’t have to think about what they stand for: Apple, Coca Cola, McDonalds are all easily identifiable not just visually, but in terms of personality, as well. Can you do the same for your wine shop? [level-members] One reason these brands succeed is their enormous […]
When Good Wine Shop Employees Lea
May 19th, 2015Good help is hard to find. So when you lose a good staff member, what can you do to minimize the damage? [level-members] First and foremost, be honest. If you’re not disappointed to see the employee leave – even good employees aren’t always a good fit – then don’t fake it. But don’t overdo the disappointment, […]
Wine Industry News – The Supermarkets are Comin
May 18th, 2015As we noted on Thursday, the letters column in Wine Spectator’s most recent issue included responses to a March 12 article by Mitch Frank on the increase in wine sales in supermarkets. One letter writer notes that in Massachusetts where she lives, Wegmans displays wine in and among the food. Can’t say I’m in favor […]
Food & Wine Pairing: Champagne and Sparkling Wi
May 15th, 2015Sure there are oysters – and wedding cake – but Champagne and other sparkling wines are much more versatile than that. [level-members] Epicurious has a nice page devoted to entire menus you can build around sparkling wines, even making specific bottle recommendations. More generally, its ability to stand up to acidic foods makes it work with […]