The Grapevine

What Wine Shop Customers Are Reading: Thanksgiving Wines

November 13th, 2014

What your wine shop customers are probably reading about this week (and next) is Thanksgiving. (Unless they’re not reading at all, since that’s about the only other choice this time of year.) Here are a few of the themes they’ll be thinking about. [level-members]

Some of your customers will be thinking about affordable wines to serve with the big bird.

Others might be interested in keeping the most all-American of holidays as all-American on their table as possible.

Food & Wine’s take on “top” bottles is here.

And the New York Times goes way off script with fantasy ideas about what Thanksgiving could be if we all weren’t quite so tradition-bound.

Our favorite Thanksgiving-related article this season, though, is Bon Appetit’s guide to Thanksgiving etiquette.
