The Grapevine

Wine Industry News – June 8, 2015

June 8th, 2015

In wine news this week, we learn about the winemaking process in Georgia, the former SSR; we learn what’s hot and what’s not in the wine world; and we learn that a new wine mag is launching this month – in English and Chinese. [level-members]

First a bonus not mentioned above: Adironidack Daily Enterprise tells us that hybrid grapes are paving the way for the wine industry to grow in colder climates. Full article available here – signup required. (I guess the real question is whether climate change will make colder climates ever more rare …)

Georgia’s Winemaking
Speaking of colder climates, we’re not taking about Hot ‘lanta. This is the other Georgia, formerly a part of the USSR. Georgia has an ancient winemaking tradition, with some very interesting whites made in a very interesting way. We’re definitely on the lookout for these. Read more here.

New Wine Magazine – Le Pan
Launching next week in both English and Chinese, Le Pan will hit store shelves in Asia first and launch globally by the end of the week. Learn more here and look for our continuing coverage of the new online and print publication.

What’s Hot
Finally, what’s hot this week, according to wine critic Antonio Galloni in his conversation on Bloomberg’s “Market Makers,” is 2010 Brunellos. What’s not hot is Bordeaux. Recent prices would seem to fly in the face of that argument, but his reasoning is that Bordeaux, at least here in the US, is perceived as too formal. People still want great wine, but they want it to be more fun, less stuffy. We’ve seen those Brunello prices, and they’re pretty stratospheric, even if the wine is less stuffy. To be fair, he does point out that wine does not have to be expensive to be good – or fun – and advises seeking out appellations adjacent to the big name, big price wines everyone is chasing. Watch the video here.
