The Grapevine

Wine Industry News 11/23/15: More on Millennials, Wine on Film, and Auction World Dirty Laundry

November 23rd, 2015

We revisit how Millennials are taking to wine, take a look at what’s happening in the wine auction world, and hear about a new wine-themed movie. [level-members]

Last week, we read about how the Millennial generation’s attitudes affect their take on wine and the wine world. This week, we look a little more deeply and get another perspective: namely, it isn’t a generational shift as much as it’s an informational shift. 1WineDude takes the original article to task. Well worth the short read.

Next, we take a look behind the curtain of the auction world, where all things are not rosy. In fact, the article calls for the auction houses to do more about the purported epidemic of counterfeit wines on the market. You can read the full article here on the Food Republic site.

Finally, a new film has been released and it’s an ambitious look at wine from A to Z. You can read a review here that puts it into perspective with other fiction and non-fiction wine films and shows.
