The Grapevine

Reverse Engineering Your Way to Wine Shop Greatness

March 15th, 2016

Sometimes working backwards from where you want to be is easier than figuring out how to get there from where you are. [level-members]

This recent article in the New York Times provides a guide for consumers to find a great wine shop. It is also an excellent opportunity to do just that kind of reverse engineering I mention above. Find an ideal and emulate it. Even if it’s not a perfect fit, you can adapt as necessary.

How many of the points do you hit?

  • Proper temperature
  • Protection from the sun
  • Clean inventory, properly stored/displayed
  • Inviting and helpful descriptions

Even more important, how willing are you to tailor your shop experience for each customer’s preferences, perhaps personalizing a sample case or half-case for them?

Blazing your own trail is a wonderful feeling of accomplishment, but then again, why reinvent the wheel. Find what’s worked before and adapt it to your own needs and style.
