The Grapevine

Wine World News for Wine Shop Owners

December 14th, 2015

Wine from the Carribbean? Yes. Wine from Brooklyn rooftops? Yes. Screw caps still inspire strong reactions? Very much yes! [level-members]

In a development that seems to run counter to the idea of climate change forcing vineyards further north, the Caribbean now has it’s very first “major” (whatever that means) vineyard. Read more about where it is and its back story here on the Caribbean Journal site.

The New Yorker’s recent article featuring Jancis Robinson centers on a Brooklyn rooftop where an intrepid winemaker (and marketer …) is promoting his hyper-local wine project. It’s entertaining on many levels. Read the short piece here on The New Yorker site.

Finally, in the eternal – not really, but it is one of those arguments that never seems to lose steam – debate over screw cap closures, we have  not just an article from the San Francisco Chronicle, but a follow-up brought on by the “passionate” reaction many readers had to the original article. Check out the cause of the fuss and ado here in the original article and the follow up here.
