The Grapevine

Wine Industry News – 4/25/16

April 25th, 2016

Nature vs. nurture: winemakers vs. terroir. Cold-weather varietals, and more on the new 1,000-point rating system. [level-members]

California’s Focus on Winemakers
What matters more, the winemaker or the terroir? Neither, some might argue, including Maria Sinskey who feels that California needs to strike more of a balance. The article in Drinks Business is a quick read. Sinskey is quoted as saying, “We do as little as possible with the grapes to let the land speak for itself. You can really taste the difference between the sites.” leaves little doubt that she is putting her money where her mouth is.

Cold-Weather Grapes in New York State
There’s a bit of renaissance – and an expansion – in the winemaking world in upstate New York. The development of cold-hardy grapes is encouraging winemakers to venture further north than ever thought possible before. Forget merlot and pinot. Chances are you won’t have heard of the grapes they’re using. Read the full New York Times article here.

A Thousand Points of Wine (Measurement)
More on the latest wine rating system we looked at last week, Wine Lister. Forbes offers their thoughts on whether 1,000 points can somehow counter the rampant grade inflation wines have seen over the past generation or two. Read the Forbes article here. [/level-members]