The Grapevine

Wine Industry News for July 11, 2016

July 11th, 2016

This English fizzy thing just won’t go away. The Pope and his wine. And fake wine that’s not what you think. [level-members]

More On English Sparkling Wines
Newsweek adds legitimacy (being a big-time weekly and all …) to the notion that the English are on to something with their sparkling wines. The article interestingly points out that the U.K. is the second largest market for Champagne behind only France itself, so it sounds as if the folks behind these new English wines may have done some market research … Read the full article here.

File Under: Who Knew?
Apparently, they like their wine in the Vatican City. And we’re not talking about the wine poured during mass. (That wine, not surprisingly, must meet requirements beyond what a producer of wine for lay consumption might consider.) Nope, counting just the wine they drink with meals and such, the 842 residents of the Vatican City down more wine per capita than anyone else in the world. Read more here in The Daily Beast.

Fake Wine, But It’s Not What You Think
We’ve all heard enough about that Rudy guy, so what’s this about fake wine? Well, not fake so much as synthetic.

Or, in other words, even wine isn’t immune to the forces of technology. So, chemically created synthetic wines made to mimic the taste profiles of great wines and vintages: wave of the future or abomination. You decide.
