Is Vinfusion an abomination to all who love and respect the art of winemaking? Could be. Does it matter whether your grapes are harvested mechanically or by hand? Quite possibly. Do bad things happen if you mislabel wine and mislead your customers? Most certainly. Do we really need water sommeliers? Or hot sauce sommeliers? I’m not even going to answer that one. And vintners in South Africa are still smarting over a recent documentary, and still crying foul. Do they have good cause? [level-members]
South African Vintners Still Feel Wronged
The documentary causing such a kerfuffle in Europe is inaccurate, they claim. The Financial Mail gives us the details.
Sommeliers Extend Their Product Line
I guess it’s good business strateegy, but do we really need water sommeliers? Brings to mind the not-to-long-ago overuse of the word “curate.” The story according to Bloomberg.
Rouge Justice in Bordeaux
Low-end wine under high-end labels is a recipe for jail time and serious fines. From The Guardian.
Rage Against the (Harvesting) Machines
Does it matter whether your wine grapes are harvested mechanically or by hand? To some it certainly does. Wine Searcher tells us why.
Blend Your Own Wine on Demand
Please let this never see widespread popularity. From the Economist.