Archive for March, 2013

Food & Wine Pairing – Cassoul

March 15th, 2013

I know, we should be doing some fantastic Irish feast to prove that we can all move beyond green beer. Insteead, I’m going with another rib-sticking meal, since March is still hanging on to its February roots. [level-members] So here’s a great recipe for cassoulet from Epicurious. What to pair with? Châteauneuf du Pape is tough […]

What They’re Reading – Wine Spectator, Washington Times and Snooth.c

March 14th, 2013

This week, we have the 4/30/13 issue of Wine Spectator and some fun stuff from the Washington Times and [level-members]The big stories in the Spectator, the magazine everyone loves to hate, are the Piedmont wines of Italy and value wines from California. First, at the front of the book we have James Laube’s column about […]

How Small Retailers Can Beat Bigger Competito

March 13th, 2013

Small retailers are fighting back against the Amazons of the world. ( and “amazons” more generally.) How do you compete without a staff of dozens or hundreds of engineers, marketers and designers? We’ll humbly submit that working with Grapeseed Marketing is a great start, but here are a few more things you should be thinking […]

Customer Services Matters – How Do You Rat

March 12th, 2013

In another life, I had a client, who was something of a rock star in his industry. In addition to his main product line, he offered a repair service for his own products and even competitors’ products. He was the industry leader. Absolutely owned it. Best reputation in the business. Very few competitors even tried […]

Wine Criticism – Models Ripe For Chan

March 11th, 2013

An article on, The San Francisco Chronicle’s website, discusses changes in the high houses of wine reviews, with a key lieutenant of Robert Parker’s leaving to start his own firm. While this is mostly background noise to most of us, there’s a shift – or a potential shift – in how wine reviews work. As the […]

Zweigelt and Sausa

March 8th, 2013

I don’t know how the weather is where you are, but here in the Hudson Valley it’s almost a white out. We haven’t gotten a huge amount of snow, but enough. And it’s wet so it’s sticking to the trees, and the wind is swirling. In other words perfect weather for hearthside comfort food. Inspired […]

What They’re Reading – Serious Eats, Snoo

March 7th, 2013

A few things from the web this week that we’ve seen making the rounds. First, that age-old debate: must it be red with meat, white with fish? In a word, no! (Actually, this first: apologies for that disturbing image[level-members] from Berry’s Wine Blog.) In the Drinks section of the Serious Eats site, their Ask A […]

How To Build Your Email Li

March 6th, 2013

This week’s Marketing Tip O’ the Week is about as simple as they get: Build your email list! One of the easiest ways to do this is[level-members] to put a jar (do I have to mention that a giant wine glass would be better?) on your counter and ask for business cards. Keep a pen […]

Protect Your Business From Social Media Legal Ris

March 5th, 2013

Mark Grossman is a lawyer specializing in matters of technology. He work with technology companies, of course, but also with companies in a variety of industries who are working with technology. (Which is just about everyone these days …) He recently discussed on his blog the legal risks you should be thinking about when it comes […]

Rosé On The Ri

March 4th, 2013

The Provence Wine Council reports that U.S. imports of rosés from Provence increased by 41% last year. [level-members]That’s good information to have as the weather turns warmer. Rosés are a great quaffable choice for warm summer evenings and casual gatherings. It also pairs nicely with food favorites from its home region: seafood, olive oil, and […]