One of the more interesting wine stories we’ve come across recently, and one of the oldest stories in the wine world. [level-members]
The old story is that Burgundy is expensive. Good years, bad years, it’s always pricey. But in the vein of making lemonade from lemons, there are those who believe that the high prices are good in that they encourage people to try lesser-known appellations.
One winemaker in Burgundy explained, “Today, you can easily find wines that offer a classic expression of chardonnay and pinot noir at a very fair price,” he explained. “The lesser-known appellations are a hidden gem and represent a tremendous price-to-quality ratio. More than ever, you have beautiful wine for the money.”
On the other hand, the author likens these wines to “to touring a gorgeous, perfectly manicured garden on a foggy day. You get a sense of how stunning it would be if the skies were clear.” Not exactly high praise.
You can read the full article here.
A much newer story comes to us from Chile. In fact, we’ve never even really thought about earthquakes and wine outside of northern California. One vintner in Chile also has a very “lemonade from lemons” approach, with the sentiment that, “All of these earthquakes have formed our soils, our geography, and the geomorphology of where the vineyards are planted today.”
Since reports seem to indicate an increase in seismic activity, we wonder how long that rosy worldview will last.
You can read the full article here.