The Grapevine

Expand Your Wine Shop Offerings, Expand Your Reach

October 25th, 2016

Of course you want folks to think of you as the destination for wine in your town – and the next town over, too – but you can help your bottom line by viewing your opportunities a bit more broadly. [level-members]

This came to mind over the weekend when I was visiting a friend in his shop and a customer came in asking for a flask. Sure enough, he had two different models to offer. That $20 sale isn’t going to make his weekend, and he may never see that customer again.

Then again, he might see her again. And if word spreads that you’ve got those sorts of odds and ends, you just may pick up more than those odd sales.

I’m always amazed that more shops don’t make a big deal about gift bags and totes and similar ways to hand over that gift bottle, which are frequently bought at the last minute on the way to the party …

And the gadgets and oddities you offer can also make great copy for email marketing and social media posts. Kind of like this piece from Wine Enthusiast on wine savers. [/level-members]