Archive for March, 2016

Something for the ABC Wine Cro

March 17th, 2016

Not all Chardonnay is created equal. Here’s something you might want to share with the “Anything but Chardonnay” partisans amongst your wine shop fans and followers. [level-members] This Washington Post article reminds us that real Chablis ain’t your everyday American Chardonnay. Far from it. In fact, a good Chablis is frequently everything that the ABC […]

Wine Shop Marketing: Ease the Fe

March 16th, 2016

One theme that’s been popping up a lot in our conversations around wine shop marketing lately: you’re doing it wrong. Not the marketing. The actual drinking of wine … People are afraid of looking foolish. Not just when it comes to wine – in just about everything. (The exception being folks who star in their homemade, […]

Reverse Engineering Your Way to Wine Shop Greatne

March 15th, 2016

Sometimes working backwards from where you want to be is easier than figuring out how to get there from where you are. [level-members] This recent article in the New York Times provides a guide for consumers to find a great wine shop. It is also an excellent opportunity to do just that kind of reverse engineering […]

Wine Industry News – 3/14/

March 14th, 2016

Wine and the atomic bomb, more science, and the changing tastes of US wine consumers. [level-members] Wine and The Atomic Bomb Knowing I’m pretty far to the geeky side of the scale, maybe you all won’t find this as fascinating as I do, but apparently the wine we’re drinking today still has chemical fingerprints from […]

Food & Wine Pairing: Cooking with Wi

March 11th, 2016

In our kitchen, we have a little plaque that says, “I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.” While I wholeheartedly stand behind that sentiment, there is a world of fun to be explored in actually cooking with wine – in the food. [level-members] An article we just came across […]

Worth Sharing – Wine Info For the Shop and Social Med

March 10th, 2016

Drink Up, It Won’t Kill You Here’s a scientific take on the arguments in favor of moderate alcohol consumption. Just don’t drink and drive. [level-members] Academic Wino published a guest post by Richard Norton that goes into some detail on the question of wine’s supposed health benefits. Our favorite quotes: “moderate alcohol drinking has a solid base […]

Wine Shop Marketing Should be a Conversati

March 9th, 2016

At its best, marketing is a conversation. Gone are the days when retailers held all the information and consumers had no choice but to come to you and listen to what you had to say no matter how you said it. [level-members] Now, consumers are frequently armed with more information than the too-often, too-low-paid retail […]

Should Your Wine Shop Be Selling Onlin

March 8th, 2016

More and more American consumers are buying more and more wine online. Should you jump into the ecommerce fray? [level-members] There’s no short answer to that question which would cover every shop’s circumstances. And though we could write a book on evaluating ecommerce for your wine business, it really comes down to one question: can […]

Wine Industry News for 3/7/

March 7th, 2016

An international flavor to our round-up of news items this week, plus what you drink matters. [level-members] First, it’s good to be Penfolds. Drinks Magazine, based in London, has anointed the label its “most admired” wine brand for 2016. No word on whether they like the wine, as well. Read the full article here. More big […]

Food & Wine Pairing: Wine and Eg

March 4th, 2016

Continuing our recent run of somewhat (or completely) out-of-the-ordinary food and wine pairings – wine with Girl Scout cookies, wine in the shower – here are some ideas for wine with eggs. We’ll hope that means brunch, lunch or light dinner. Not sure we need to encourage wine for breakfast as a thing … [level-members] […]